There are 2 types of guys in this world: those who don't hit girls, and those who do. There is no category in between. If he did it once, don't trust him not to do it again. Even if he just got really upset, and you think that excuses him. If that was the case, then consider this: you guys are bound to have another fight or arguement sooner or later, and who's to say he won't lose his temper again? To me that just means it's time to get out.
And if that's not enough to convince you, consider this: what if you were to have children with this guy, and he would end up hurting them? If he's capable of doing this to you (whom he supposedly loves), then he's capable of doing it to anyone else for that matter. That's right - time to get out of there.
Hope you make a good choice (:
xMy boyfriend hit me any decent advice guys?
Break up with him.It starts out one time,then two,then all the time,there is NEVER and excuse for a guy to lay a hand on a woman,and he's your boyfriend,he should be protecting you from pain,not causing it.He can say he's sorry all he wants,but he's not.Leave him.He may be nice now,but imagine down the road,he ay turn even meaner.He's a pussy for hitting you
And you did what when he hit you?
Do not stay with someone who feels they have the right to put there hands on you in a negative way... leave him - once will lead to more - I have a friend who is going through that now...
';Bye Bye what you should say are not hitting on him. Some girls think a man is one who can take being a punching bag...wrong and there are two sides to every story.
Knee him in the nuts then leave.
Hun, any guy that hits you is NOT worth it.
hell yeah listen to drew haha
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