Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Any guys have advice for how to be a better wife?

Thanks!Any guys have advice for how to be a better wife?
1) Don't raise your voice all the time

2)Don't get mad at every little thing-crumps on the counter,didn't get the right item at the store

3)No name calling,unless its love names or playful

4)Use lube on handjobs

5)Don't brag as if your the only house cleaner or better cook unless you can back it up

6)Hugs and kisses once he comes home

7)Back rubs

8)Show some kind of interest in his hobbies

9)Don't be dismissive when he has things he needs to talk about and say whatever or we'll talk later or ignore him all together

10)Silent treatments-where you don't talk to him for days cuz your mad make you look like a pouting child age 2Any guys have advice for how to be a better wife?
Wow thanks I didn't expect it.Military is hard it was when are grandparents were in the army and it was the guys were away and there wives were at home.

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Hard to say without knowing more details of why you think you need to be a better wife.

I would say generally though couples should treat each other with consideration, think about each other's feelings etc. Try to accomodate each other's needs.

It would be nice to know in what way you think you are falling short as a wife.
Always be understanding even when it s something bad but dint sell yourself short know when to draw the line. My man loves it when I am understanding instead of a emotional wreck or a mad woman.
Honk's answers are pretty much spot on. Also don't push for him to speak of his feelings. men are better at showing them than speaking of them. look more at his actions than his words or lack thereof.
jazmin is right!

text him. love notes.

do little special things.

tell him how important he is to you.

send special time together.

do not let anything get inbeteewn you two.
Make him feel needed and wanted for almost every aspect in your live financially or emotionally
Even though he is man take into consideration that he has feelings to and listen...thats a start!!!
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