Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Any old Tree Guys out there have advice for a young tree guy?

Been self employed now for about 4 yrs I love it and wouldn't have it any other way But it is bittersweet! Alot of Work How bout itAny old Tree Guys out there have advice for a young tree guy?
Don't fall out of the big ones and keep your saws sharp. RScottAny old Tree Guys out there have advice for a young tree guy?
Swing away!

hold the trunk with your left hand then saw with the right.that way its the branch that falls.soft landings.
Not a tree guy here, but I sympathize with you on the hard work.

Had several trees taken down, and those guys work their butts off.

If you love it, keep doing it!

I need another tree down, lol where are you?

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